Table of Contents
戦国II (Kano Historical Resources, Sengoku II, Records of Gion Shrine and Yasaka Shrine, Bunmei 14, 1482)
戦国II (Kano Historical Resources, Sengoku II, Records of Gion Shrine and Yasaka Shrine, Bunmei 14, 1482)
二十四日、幕府、加賀守護富樫政親・槻橋(つきはし)近江守、祗園社領同国苅野保を社家雑掌に交付するよう命ずる 「祗園社記」続録十 「八坂神社文書」 Both of these documents were issued by the Bakufu to be delivered to Togashi Masachika and his vassals in regard to the seizure of Karigano-ho by the Togashi and their household. Despite repeated orders to return the land, nothing had been done to resolve the situation. Of course, the Bakufu would not directly hand the document to the Togashi, this was instead entrusted to both Yakasaka Shrine and Gion Shrine (which is why these documents are in their possession). They would instead show them to the Togashi, demanding that they return the territory of Karigano-ho to Gion shrine. The fact that these documents were still held by Gion shrine attests to their effectiveness in persuading the Togashi to surrender their conquest (i.e, none what so ever). |